Clothing- A 15th Century Wardrobe

My old reenactment group did Italy 1480. After the 2015 reenactment season I moved reenactment groups and one of the great things about changing reenactment groups was the fact I am not restricted to 1480 Italian clothing. As much as I love that period, before I joined my old group I was interested in the clothing from other parts of Europe including Flanders and Burgundy. I’d done a LOT of research, but not much making and even less wearing. I had dresses I’ve never worn or had no reason to finish. That said, these dresses are all over ten years old so it is time for new dresses for me, and some of my old dresses are getting worn by new reenactors.

I’ll be posting my research and progress on my 15th Century Sewing blog and publishing the finished results in the wardrobe links below.

15th Century Sewing Blog

Towards a Burgundian Gown- Research and Theories

Kathelyne’s 15th Century Wardrobe


Black Kirtle

Madder Red Kirtle


Kathelyne’s Friends’ 15th Century Wardrobe

Blue Linen Kirtle

Pink Wool Kirtle